July 30th update

First Sail on Tuesday 26 July, and further interior finishing happening all week.

Monday and Tuesday, July 18th-19th, 2022

The Launch prep and then the big event!

Sunday, July 17th, 2022

A few more Factory pictures, taken in the last week before Launch, now scheduled for Tuesday 19 July.

July 14th, 2022

Less than a week until launch. Still lots going on on the boat, but here’s some of the latest pictures. The big milestone this week was the addition of the name, which I love. Thanks to Alison for helping me get the Sage “brand” together.

June 19-25, 2022

Second week in South Africa, and lots of progress, time for some more pictures.

My third visit to the factory, June 2022

The first week of the final visit to South Africa, I visited the factory to see how the boat was coming along. I’ll be here until we sail away sometime in August or September.


My second visit to the factory, in February and March of 2022

This time the boat is really starting to take shape, as all of the hull and deck are joined, and the roof over the cockpit takes shape.


During the build, I occasionally got pictures from the factory to brighten my day.

Several times I was sent snapshots to keep me informed. It was always a special moment when I got a “baby picture” while I was finishing up my 19th year at Apple and getting ready to retire.


My first visit to the factory was in June-July of 2021