The Second Week

June 19-25, 2022

Settling into Cape Town Life. On Monday I moved to Mouille Point (Pronounced Moo-lee), the weather has gotten lovely, and life is good. Trying to get a good 3-4 mile walk in each day, so far I’ve been successful. It’s tempting to eat out every night, there are many good options nearby, including all the great stuff at the V&A waterfront, but it’s cheaper and healthier to cook for myself so I’m shopping for groceries and cooking at the air BnB mostly. I try to cook something that will last me a couple of meals. Sometimes I can be frugal.

Cape Town satellite view. I’m the blue dot.

My spot on Mouille Point is North facing, so this time of year I get both the sunrise and the sunset over the ocean. It’s pretty nice, except those two events are too close together. I am having a difficult time adjusting to the short days of winter in June, it just feels wrong somehow. Now, when I was here in February I was fine with the longer days, because that’s awesome, but this way sucks and I hate it. Except I don’t because Cape Town is cool.

Sunset from the veranda at my Air BnB on Beach Road in Mouille Point Cape Town. Palm trees Fram a catamaran motoring back to the V&A waterfront.

Sunset view from the veranda. The booze cruise catamarans come by on their way back to the V&A waterfront.

Being here alone is strange. Having skipped going to the factory yesterday (Friday), I was out on a very long walk yesterday and found myself talking out loud to myself a few times. I suppose that’s what single handing a sailboat would be like. Liz will be arriving late on Tuesday evening, and I’m looking forward to that. We’ll spend one full day here before we jet off to Hoedspruit and the Simbavati Lodge. I was there without her last year at this time, and it felt like I should bring her there this time. It’s a VERY luxurious safari experience, and pretty expensive. Sometimes frugality is overrated!

The latest on the boat build: I’ve updated the Build Galleries with pics from this week. Most exciting is that Sage came out of the shed briefly on Tuesday. The 482 Hull Number 6 that was in behind her needed to come out and move to the finishing shed, as well as several other boats that needed juggling inside the factory as they popped a few more out of the molds, so Sage spent most of the sunny day outside in the sunshine. It was the first time I’ve been able to see the color out in the daylight and I’m really pleased. I’ve never seen a boat in a color quite like this and I’m glad it came out so well.

Catamaran Sage from the port forequarter.

Sage sees the daylight for the first time.

There’s still lots to do, but it’s coming along well and Peter assures me they are on track for July 11 launch. The side windows are in the hull, and the windows for the salon have arrived in the factory and will be installed soon.

My shipment from home, with stuff for the galley and other things I’ll need or want for the boat, is supposed to have arrived this morning, which means it will probably be at the factory on Monday or Tuesday. Based on my experience so far, I’m not holding my breath.

Screenshot of flight tracker.

Did my stuff arrive? It was supposed to be on this flight. 🤞

Today is a very sunny day. I’m splurging a bit today. Went for a walk this morning, found a “farmer’s market” that’s really just a collection of food stalls. Had a BLT 🥪. The bacon here is different. It’s meatier and tasty. Tonight I’m going for tacos and a margarita. Many restaurants are closed Sunday, so I’ll be back to cooking tomorrow, but tonight a splurge feels right.


Safari Time!


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